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Living With A Narc Be Like

Living with a Narc be like

“Living with a narc be like… ‘I didn’t say that,’ he says, while the gaslight flickers in the background.”

“Trying to have a rational conversation with a narcissist is like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall: slippery, messy, and ultimately pointless.”

“Living with a narc be like… you catch him in a lie, and suddenly he’s the victim of your ‘untrusting nature.’ Bravo, sir, bravo.”

“Playing mind games with a narcissist is like playing Monopoly with a cheater—he changes the rules mid-game and then blames you for not keeping up.”

“Living with a narc be like… one minute you’re the love of his life, the next minute you’re the villain in his never-ending drama.”

“Arguing with a narcissist is like arguing with a mirror—except the mirror gaslights you and tells you it never happened.”

“Living with a narc be like… every conversation is a booby trap. Step lightly or you’ll set off a pity party explosion.”

“Mind games with a narcissist be like… he forgets what he said five minutes ago, but will remind you of something you did ten years ago.”

“Living with a narc be like… you’re playing checkers while he’s playing chess, but he’s using invisible pieces and keeps moving the goalposts.”

“Being gaslit by a narcissist is like being told the sky is green, and then doubting your own eyes when you look up and see blue.”

Living with a narcissist is like living in a scary movie and you're the only one that can see the monster

Jokes About All The Shit He Talks

“Living with a narc be like… ‘You’re too sensitive,’ he says, after stomping all over your feelings with his emotional combat boots.”

“He talks so much shit, I’m starting to think he’s auditioning for a reality TV show!”

“Living with a narc be like… ‘You’re crazy,’ he says, right after pushing every single one of your buttons.”

“He loves talking shit about you to anybody and everyone, then wonders why you don’t have any friends—well, besides him, of course. Lucky you.”

“Living with a narc be like… one minute you’re his queen, the next you’re a bitch.”

“He’s a master of making you feel worthless, all while claiming he’s the only one who truly cares about you. How generous.”

“Living with a narc be like… ‘You’re just overreacting,’ he says, while setting your self-esteem on fire with a flamethrower.”

“He talks so much shit, he could fertilize an entire garden.”

“Living with a narc be like… he does one tiny favor and expects a parade, but the things you do mean nothing .”

“He loves to tell you how big of a piece of shit you are, yet he’s the one who can’t stop obsessing over every move you make. Irony much?”

“Living with a narc be like… your ‘pet names’ are bitch, cunt, whore and nigger. If he calls you baby, he’s up to something.”

“He always sides with everybody but you, then wonders why you don’t trust him. Must be his magic charm.”

How do you know if a narcissist is lying? His lips are moving!

Living With A Narc Means Isolation

“Living with a narc be like… ‘I just want to spend all my time with you,’ he says, while secretly making sure you lose touch with everyone else.”

“Isolation with a narcissist is like being on a deserted island, except he’s the only other person there and keeps throwing your rescue flares into the ocean.”

“Living with a narc be like… he convinces you that your friends and family are toxic, meanwhile he’s the one poisoning your life.”

“He’s so good at isolating you, you start to believe he’s your entire world—too bad it’s more of a prison.”

“Living with a narc be like… ‘They’re just jealous of what we have,’ he says, while systematically cutting off all your support systems.”


“Isolation with a narcissist is like being locked in a room alone… while he’s out running around.”

“Living with a narc be like… you’ve been isolated so long, and his constant criticism is the only feedback you hear.”

“Isolation tactics—first, he makes smoothers you and won’t let you outta his sight, then when you go anywhere he punishes you, making you think twice about leaving again.”

“Living with a narc be like… ‘You don’t need them, you have me,’ he says, while making sure ‘them’ can’t reach you.”

“Isolation with a narcissist is like playing hide and seek, except he’s hidden all your friends and keeps telling you they’re not worth finding.”

“Living with a narc be like… you’ve been isolated for so long, every normal conversation with someone else is awkward as fuck.”

Living with a narcissist is like ... he does you a favor just so he can hold it against you later. You'll never pay off that debt!

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