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    Jokes about the Narcissist's flying monkeys

    The Narc’s Flying Monkeys

    In the context of narcissistic abuse, “flying monkeys” refer to the people who the narcissist manipulates into helping them carry out their schemes and further their agenda. These enablers act on behalf of the narcissist, often unknowingly, by spreading rumors, spying, or even directly harassing the narcissist’s target. They essentially “fly” to do the narcissist’s…

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    Jokes about gaslighting and mind games

    Jokes About Gaslighting

    “You know, gaslighting is a wonderful way to keep your friends and family guessing whether they’re losing their mind or you’re just a master manipulator. It’s like a game of mental gymnastics, but with more bruises.” “Gaslighting: because who needs honesty and trust in a relationship when you can have confusion and self-doubt instead?” “Gaslighting…

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