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Jokes About Space

jokes about space

Space: where even the smallest star can outshine your ex.

Pluto called; it wants its planetary status back.

Mars: Because Earth needs a backup plan for all our messes.

Black holes: The universe’s way of ghosting you.

Gravity: The only thing that keeps pulling you back when life tries to launch you.

Astronauts: Proof that some people need space… a lot of space.

Meteor showers: The universe’s version of a flashy performance.

Saturn’s rings: Bling so big it puts engagement rings to shame.

Cosmic dust: Because even the universe can’t escape a cleaning day.

Nebulas: Space’s way of showing off its artsy side.

Space - where even the smallest star can out shine your ex

Funny Space Puns

The moon’s phases: Because even space needs a mood swing or two.

Nebulae: The universe’s way of saying, “Look, I can paint too!”

Space debris: Because even the cosmos has clutter issues.

Venus: Proof that even planets can be divas.

Asteroids: The universe’s natural speed bumps.

Satellites: Space’s way of keeping an eye on things.

Comets: The cosmic drama queens, always making a scene.

Solar flares: Sun’s version of throwing a tantrum.

Wormholes: Space’s ultimate shortcut, because who has time for light years?

Cosmic rays: Space’s paparazzi, always capturing the stars.

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