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Going Bananas: A Wild Ride Through Gorilla Puns

Gorilla puns and jokes

Why did the gorilla refuse to play cards? He thought the stakes were too bananas.

What do you call a gorilla with a Ph.D.? A primate scholar who still can’t figure out why humans make everything so complicated.

How does a gorilla make coffee? With a lot of ap-peal.

Why don’t gorillas use social media? Because they don’t need followers to feel important.

Why did the gorilla get a job at the post office? He wanted to address the elephant in the room, but it turns out, he’s not great with subtleties.

What do you call a gorilla who loves to cook? A grill-illa. But don’t expect Michelin stars; he thinks bananas and ketchup are a gourmet combo.

How do you apologize to a gorilla? Just bear with me – oh wait, wrong animal.

Why did the gorilla start a band? He heard he could go ape on the drums.

What’s a gorilla’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a lot of monkey business, but don’t bother him with “King Kong”; he calls it “fake news.”

Why do gorillas never get lost? Because wherever they go, they always make a scene.

Funny Jokes About Gorillas

You: “Wow, that gorilla is huge! Look at those muscles!” Cheeky Gorilla: “Yeah, well, lifting all these bananas all day isn’t exactly monkey business.”

Tourist: (Approaches gorilla enclosure) “Hey fella, how’s it going?” Sarcastic Gorilla: (Rolls eyes) “Oh fantastic, another day at the zoo. You wouldn’t believe the tourists I’ve had to endure today.”

Zookeeper: “Alright George, time for your vitamins!” Picky Gorilla: (Picks up the vitamins and throws them back) “Ugh, not these gross things again. Do you think I’m some kind of ape-thecary?”

Two gorillas are sitting by the watering hole.Gorilla 1: “Hey, did you hear about the new gorilla gym that just opened up?” Gorilla 2: “Yeah, I went there yesterday. It was a total jungle gym.”

A gorilla is looking at a map.Tourist: “Excuse me, are you lost?” Gorilla: (Scoffs) “Lost? Please, I’m just taking the scenic route. Besides, who needs a map when you have this much jungle sense?”

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