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Flamingo Rd: Jokes & Puns for the Not-So-Fabulous Side of Vegas

Jokes and Puns about Flamingo Rd in Las Vegas NV

Las Vegas: City of Lights, dazzling casinos, and…Flamingo Rd.? While the Strip boasts glitz and glamour, Flamingo Rd. offers a more, ahem, “flamboyant” kind of excitement.

Why did the showgirl cross Flamingo Rd.? To get to the … slightly less glamorous side.

What do you call a high roller on Flamingo Rd.? Mistaken.

What’s the Flamingo Rd. version of a buffet? All-you-can-eat imitation crab.

How can you tell you’re on Flamingo Rd.? The neon signs are spelling-challenged.

What’s the difference between the Bellagio fountains and a sprinkler on Flamingo Rd.? The Bellagio fountains are intentional.

You know you’re on Flamingo Rd. when your lucky number is the one that gets you out of there safely.

Why did the taxi driver refuse to take me down Flamingo Rd.? He said, “I only go where the tips are flamingos, not flaming.”

What’s the Flamingo Rd. version of Cirque du Soleil? A guy juggling oranges in front of a liquor store.

How many feathers does it take to make a flamingo costume on Flamingo Rd.? Just duct tape and a pink boa.

What’s the Flamingo Rd. motto? “Winner, winner, slightly less skinny dinner.”

Bonus Las Vegas Puns:

Why did the magician disappear on the Strip? He got Vegas-ed.

What do you call a blackjack dealer with a bad tan? A burnt dealer.

What’s a mime’s favorite place in Vegas? The “no talking” policy sign.

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