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Fat Jokes & Curvy Comebacks: Comedy for Big Girls with a Sense of Humor

Fat Jokes & Curvy Comebacks

Hey there, Gorgeous Readers!

Welcome to our fabulous corner of the internet where “fat jokes” get a major glow-up. Who said humor about size can’t be sassy, classy, and a little bad-assy? Not us! We’re here to turn the table, shake the ground (because, darling, we can), and serve you the sassiest, most empowering “fat jokes” you’ve ever heard.

Here’s the deal: We’re all about celebrating our curves, our quirks, and our queen-size confidence. Gone are the days of old, tired jabs at our expense. We’re flipping the script with comebacks so sharp they could cut, and humor so rich it should have its own bank account.

Buckle up, buttercup and get ready to embrace the funny side of being unapologetically, irresistibly YOU.

Confidence is Key: Mastering the Art of “Fat Jokes”

“I’ve got curves in all the right places and a personality to match. I’m not just a snack; I’m a whole buffet, and trust me, there’s always a line.”

“People say, ‘Do men really like big girls?’ and I’m like, ‘Honey, I turn down more offers than a telemarketer.'”

“I joined a dating site for fat women, and my inbox crashed the server. Apparently, there’s a high demand for this limited edition model.”

“They say the best things in life are free, but I’ve had a few offers to be a muse for Renaissance painters. Apparently, my body type is ‘timelessly sexy.'”

“They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and let me tell you, I’ve been beheld a lot.”

“They say I’m fat, but I prefer ‘harder to kidnap.'”

“In my relationship, I’m not just the better half; I’m the fabulous three-quarters. He’s the lucky leftovers.”

“My love life isn’t a fairytale. It’s more of an epic saga, and yes, the epic parts include dragons – if you know what I mean.”

This Fat Woman Has Good Jokes

“I’m like fine wine in a plus-size bottle – full-bodied and getting better with age. And let me tell you, there’s a lot of me to love.”

“Men say they like a woman who can cook. I say, I’m so hot, I make the thermometer blush. That’s my kind of cooking!”

“I told my date I was a big deal. He didn’t believe me until I showed him my Only Fans following.”

“They say every cloud has a silver lining. Well, I’m the cloud, and my silver lining is 24-karat gold, baby!”

“I’m not overweight, I’m undertall. But at this altitude, the view is spectacular, especially with curves like these.”

“Why did the fat girl love the bakery? Because she’s a smart cookie who knows life’s too short to skip dessert.”

“My therapist says I have a magnetic personality. Makes sense, I’ve always been attracted to fridges. We have a lot in common – full of good stuff.”

“I don’t have a weight problem. I have a ‘gravity is jealous of how down-to-earth I am’ problem.”

“I’m not fat, I’m just so full of fun, love, and fabulousness, it can’t be contained in a small package.”

“I walked into a bar and the bartender said, ‘What’ll it be?’ I said, ‘Confidence on the rocks with a twist of allure.’ He said, ‘You already got it.'”

“Dating me is like winning the lottery – you get lucky, and life becomes more exciting. Plus, I’m a jackpot of cuddles and good times.”

“I’m like a rare gem – a little rough around the edges but priceless and one of a kind. Plus, I sparkle in any light.”

“I told my date I’m a big deal. He said, ‘Prove it.’ So I sat on his face. He’s been a believer ever since.”

Funny fat joke: I prefer no stress more desserts

From Slim to Thick: Jokes with a Side of Sass

“I told my skinny friend, ‘You think you’ve got it tough avoiding carbs? Try hugging someone and not giving them life advice at the same time. It’s a big girl thing.'”

“I see these fitness models and think, ‘You’re just one good meal away from being my size.’ But then I remember, they probably don’t know the joy of midnight ice cream.”

“I have a friend who’s obsessed with getting six-pack abs. I told her, ‘Honey, I’ve got a six-pack too. It’s just insulated under this fabulous keg.'”

“My friend complained about her heels hurting her feet. I said, ‘Welcome to my world, where every shoe is a flat and every day is a balance between comfort and style.'”

“They say, ‘Real women have curves.’ I say, ‘Real women have whatever they want.’ Some have curves, some have edges, and some are a mix of both.”

“My thin friend was shivering in the cold. I told her, ‘This is one of those times you’ll appreciate a little extra insulation. It’s nature’s way of saying, ‘I got you, girl.'”

“I was at the gym with a friend who’s a fitness freak. She said, ‘No pain, no gain.’ I said, ‘I prefer, no stress, more desserts.'”

“A friend of mine is always on a new diet. I said, ‘I’m on a diet too. It’s called the happiness diet. It’s 100% effective at keeping smiles up.'”

“My friend complains about her small chest. I said, ‘Girl, the grass is always greener. Over here, I’m dealing with a jungle.'”

“I told my friend, ‘You worry about fitting into skinny jeans. I worry about fitting joy, love, and tacos into my life. Priorities, right?'”

funny fat joke: They say I'm fat but I prefer Harder to Kidnap

“Yo Mama So Fat Jokes” We Love to Laugh at!

“Yo mama so fat, when she steps on a scale, it tells her ‘One at a time, please’ because her awesomeness can’t be measured all at once.”

“Yo mama so fat, when she wears high heels, she strikes oil – and by oil, I mean confidence gold.”

“I might be fat, but I’ve got a PhD in minding my own business and excelling in fabulousness.”

“I’m not overweight; I’m just nine out of ten people’s emergency contact because I’m that reliable and loved.”

Don’t Let Fat Jokes Get You Down: Unleash Your Curvy Comebacks!

“If someone says, ‘You’re not fat, you’re just easy to see,’ reply with, ‘And impossible to forget. I’m like a walking masterpiece.'”

When someone jokes, “Do you really need that extra piece of cake?” You can quip, “Need? No. Deserve? Absolutely. I’m a treat for treating myself right.”

If you hear, “You’re not fat; you’re fluffy,” respond with, “Fluffy, fabulous, and totally owning it. I’m a deluxe edition, honey.”

In response to, “How do you stay in shape?” say, “I’m in shape. Round is a shape, and it’s as gorgeous as any other.”

When someone remarks, “You’ve got a great face for radio,” smile and say, “And a personality that shines brighter than any screen.”

If you’re told, “You’re pretty for a big girl,” reply, “And you’re… well, I’m sure you have good qualities too.”

When someone comments, “You should wear black to look thinner,” respond, “I wear colors to look fabulous. My confidence isn’t in monochrome.”

If someone says, “Big girls don’t cry,” you can retort, “They don’t have to. Their sparkle and shine keep any gloom at bay.”

In response to, “You’ve got such a pretty face,” reply with, “And a brilliant mind, a big heart, and a soul full of sass. The whole package!”

When told, “You should try dieting,” say, “I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, I eat it, and I absolutely adore every bite.”

cute fat joke: more cushion for the pushin and always a five-star rating

Big Girls Need Love Too: From Fat Jokes to Laughs Between the Sheets!

“Big girls need love too, and let me tell you, it’s a full-time job turning down all these admirers. I should start offering loyalty cards!”

“They say men love curves, and I’m like a high-speed race track – every turn’s an adventure and the finish line is always a blast.”

“Dating me is like being in a bakery. I’m soft, I smell good, and I’ll probably make your heart skip a beat – or it’s just the sugar rush.”

“I told my man, ‘Handle with care, contents priceless.’ He said, ‘Good thing I’m a professional treasure hunter.’ Best. Response. Ever.”

“People ask, ‘What’s it like being a big girl in the bedroom?’ I say, ‘More cushion for the pushin’ and always a five-star rating.'”

“My love life? Think of a roller coaster – thrilling curves, exciting ups and downs, and always a line of people waiting to ride.”

“Men say they want a girl who’s wild in bed. I say, ‘Buckle up, sweetheart. You’ve just met a whole safari.'”

“I’m like a luxury sedan – comfortable, classy, and with a lot of room to explore. Plus, I come with extra features!”

“I once read, ‘Every woman has the exact love life she wants.’ I looked at my boyfriend and thought, ‘I must be a genius then.'”

“My ex said he wanted someone more adventurous in bed. I said, ‘Honey, I’m an all-inclusive resort. You just never explored all the amenities.'”

“I tell my dates, ‘I’m not a snack, I’m a gourmet meal.’ And trust me, I always leave them wanting seconds.”

“In the game of love, I’m a VIP player – Very Impressive Proportions. And I play to win hearts and minds.”

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