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Spit Happens: Hilarious Alpaca Jokes

Alpaca Jokes

Why don’t alpacas ever get lost? Because they always keep up with the herd GPS!

What do you call an alpaca with a carrot in each ear? Anything you want, it can’t hear you!

Why did the alpaca go to therapy? It had too much baggage to llama around!

What do you call an alpaca who writes books? An alpaca-bard!

Why don’t alpacas become lawyers? They’re too good at fleece-ing people!

What’s an alpaca’s favorite music genre? Wool-n-B!

Why did the alpaca stop playing poker? It was tired of being the wool card!

How do alpacas fix their internet? They just reboot the modem!

I don’t trust that alpaca. He seems a little shifty. There’s something fishy going on… or should I say, fleecy?

What’s an alpaca’s favorite dessert? Apple pie-aca!

Why was the alpaca a good actor? It really knew how to get into character!

What do you call an alpaca with a PhD? Dr. Fleece!

Why did the alpaca cross the road? To prove it wasn’t a chicken!

What do you get when you cross an alpaca and a sheep? An alpaca who’s baa-ashful about its wool!

How do you apologize to an alpaca? You say, “Alpaca my bags if I was wrong.”

Why don’t alpacas use phones? They prefer to spit it out in person!

What do alpacas wear to weddings? Llama-tuxedos!

How do alpacas stay cool in summer? They have fan-tastic fleece!

Why did the alpaca join the space program? To explore the final fleece-tier!

What do you call a group of alpacas in a relay race? A furry fast team!

Why was the alpaca a great detective? It always followed the wool of evidence!

Slogans for Alpaca Fans

“Alpacas: Because who needs people anyway?”

“100% Alpaca – No Llamas Allowed.”

“I’m silently judging you with my alpaca.”

“Alpaca my bags – Adventure calls, and it’s fluffier than you.”

“Sweater? I thought you said alpaca!”

“Keep calm and alpaca on.”

“Not all who wander are lost, but I probably am… following an alpaca.”

“Alpaca the wool, you bring the fun.”

“Too cute to spitoon – I’m with the alpaca.”

“Yes, I’m that person who talks about alpacas at parties.”

“This human belongs to an alpaca.”

“Alpacas: The original cloud storage.”

“I can’t, I have plans with my alpaca.”

“Ask me about my alpaca and watch me never shut up.”

“Be the person your alpaca thinks you are.”

“Alpaca enthusiast? More like alpaca obsessed.”

“Eat. Sleep. Alpaca. Repeat.”

“Warning: May spontaneously start talking about alpacas.”

“I’d rather be with my alpaca.”

“Who needs therapy when you have alpacas?”

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