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Wolf Puns: Howlingly Hilarious Jokes to Make You Howl

Jokes about wolves / wolf puns

Howl you doing today?

That idea is paws-itively genius!

You’re howlarious!

I’m feeling a bit ruff today.

Let’s take a walk on the wild side.

I’m furr-real about this.

Don’t wolf down your food too fast!

I heard the party was a howling success.

You’re howling at the moon with that one!

Time to unleash the fun!

Jokes About Wolves

Why did the wolf get detention? For howling in the halls!

What do you call a fashionable wolf? A mane attraction!

What do you call a wolf that just graduated law school? A juris doctor-ate. (This one’s a bit of a punny mouthful!)

A young wolf asks his dad, “Why do we howl at the moon?” The dad replies, “I don’t know, son, but it gets on my nerves when you interrupt with stupid questions!”

What’s the difference between a wolf and a flea? One howls on the prairie, the other prowls on the hairy!

Slogans for Wolf Fans

“Talk to the paw.”

“Sorry, I can’t. I have plans with my pack.”

“Wolf you be my friend?”

“Howl else would you spend your day?”

“On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m a wolf.”

“I’m not a lone wolf; I’m selectively social.”

“Predator mode: ON.”

“Why fit in when you were born to howl?”

“Wolves don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.”

“Eat. Sleep. Howl. Repeat.”

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