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Laugh Out Loud with These Funny 40th Birthday Quotes for Females!

40th Birthday quotes for her

Welcome to your 40s where your back goes out more than you do!

Congrats on turning 40! It’s like being 20 only now you have another decade of experience and a little less hair.

It’s your 40th birthday.. Congratulations you’re becoming a classic!

You’re now 40 and that’s way better than 18 because you’ve got 22 more years of experience!

Forty is when you start saying “I’m too old for this,” and then still do it anyway.

Happy 40th birthday! May your Facebook wall be filled with messages from people you barely know.

Cheers to 40 years of fashion mishaps and questionable life choices!

40? More like “Four-Tea,” because at this age, that’s your idea of a wild night.

At 40 you begin to understand why people say “your body is a temple.” Take care of yourself to avoid frequent repairs.

Happy 40th! You’re now officially too old to die young.

Welcome to your 40s! Where your knees buckle and your belt won’t!

When you get to the age of 40, you finally understand your parents on a whole new level.

Now that you’re 40 it’s time to be honest. If you could sleep with any celebrity in the world (dead or alive) who would it be?

Congrats on turning 40! Now you can no longer use “young and dumb” as an excuse.

Happy Birthday! Don’t worry about the wrinkles on your face, true beauty is found on the inside.

You’re not old, you’re retro.

Happy 40th birthday! Isn’t it crazy how fast time flies and the years go by!?!

You know you’re 40 when your tolerance for men has officially ran out!

You know you’re 40 when a nap sounds better than “happy hour.”

Welcome to your 40s, now getting carded is a compliment.

Why do they say 40 is the new 20? Who the hell wants to go through that again!?!

So, you’re 40 years old… Don’t worry your secret is safe with me ๐Ÿ˜‰

Congratulations on reaching 40! Don’t worry, you still look fabulous… from a distance in good lighting.

They say wine gets better with age and so do you!

40 and fabulous.

Happy 40th! You’re officially a “cougar!”

You’re 40 years old and still don’t know what you’re doing with your life.. congratulations!

Don’t worry turning 40 is not that bad… until you start forgetting things.

Happy 40th! Delicious like aged fine wine.

Congratulations on hitting the big 4-0! Now you can finally appreciate a good nap as much as a night out.

They say life begins at 40. Let’s just hope it doesn’t start with a regrettable haircut and a midlife crisis.

Happy 40th! Remember age is just a number. Don’t get old.

40 candles is reminder that you’re still hot enough to set the room on fire.

You’ve been alive 40 years. May God grant you another 40 years. Amen.

Happy 40th! They say you’re not old until you can’t remember the names of your friends… but hey, at least you still remember your own, right?

Don’t let turning 40 get you down. Look on the brightside.. you’re that much closer to getting senior discounts!

Happy 40th! Got any words of wisdom you’d like to share?

Congratulations on surviving your 40th year!

Happy 40th! Don’t worry, you’re only halfway to 80!

You know you’re 40 when being comfortable is more important than style.

Happy 40th! Here’s to another year of pretending you know how to use all the buttons on the microwave.

Embrace the Sexy Side of 40

Keep setting those hearts ablaze, you gorgeous 40-year-old siren!

Forty and fabulous like a fine wine. Still turning heads and breaking hearts!

Girl you’re now in your 40s. May your confidence be sky-high and your allure timeless.

By the time a woman turns 40, she’s become a power goddess with a degree in seduction.

Let Momma show you how it’s done ๐Ÿ˜‰ Seduction Queen!

Cheers to 40 years of perfection! You’ve mastered the art of seductive, now what?

Turning 40 means you’ve earned your stripes in the game. Wear them with pride, you magnificent, age-defying queen!

Happy 40th! Keep dazzling, you sexy thing!

40 looks good on you โ€“ like, really good. What’s your secret?

At 40 you have finally figured out exactly what you don’t want!

A single woman in her 40s views men a resources. She is wise.

Humor Hits the Big 4-0: Witty Tweets for the Modern Woman

Just turned 40 and realized what I wanna be when I grow up… a comfy couch potato. #LifeInYourForties #ComfyAndProud

I’m 40 years old and thankful I’ve mastered the art of no longer sweating the small stuff. Now I just chill with chocolate and Netflix. #Priorities

I’m grown. That means I speak my mind without worrying what others think. #FortyAndFearless

Having a glass of wine to celebrate my 40th birthday. #AgingLikeFineWine

I may be 40 but if I were a bottle of wine, I’d totally drink me. #LikeFineWine

They say 40 is the new 30. I don’t get it.. Why not embrace your actual age? #AgeIsJustANumber

Welcome to 40 beware of hot flashes and mood swings #Surprise #NotTheFunKind

I’ve hit 40, and now “staying in” is the new “going out.” My couch has never been happier. #Homebody

At 40 my favorite kind of networking is done at home with a cup of coffee. #ModernComforts

40 is when you finally get your head together and hope your ass follows! #FingersCrossed

Just turned 40 and realized I’m the age I once considered “old” #TimeFlies

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