What do you call a dinosaur who’s lost its vocabulary? A thesaurus Rex! (Get it? Thesaurus… lost words… it’s a stretch, I know).
How does a T-Rex tie its shoes? With dino-saur knots! (Because those tiny arms…)
Why did the Triceratops cross the road? To prove he wasn’t just chicken! (Don’t tell him about the T-Rex).
What do you call a lazy Stegosaurus? A couch potato-saurus! (Because, well, those plates would be good for lounging).
Why did the Pterodactyl go to the gym? To get more fly! (Literally the only reason they’d go).
What do you call a dinosaur who always gets lost? A bronto-saurus! (Because they have tiny brains compared to their bodies… sorry, longnecks).
What did the dinosaur say to the vegetarian? You’re herbivore-ble! (This one might get a groan).
What do you call a group of dinosaurs playing in the band? A Jurassic jam! (Rock on, dinos!)
Why did the dinosaur wear lipstick? To make himself brachiosaur-us! (I’m so sorry for this one).
What did the paleontologist say when he found a dinosaur skeleton with a straw? Looks like someone had a dino-drink problem! (Too dark?)
What do you call a dinosaur with a bad attitude? A grouchylosaurus! (He’s definitely not feeling tricera-tops of the world).
What did the dinosaur say when he tripped over a meteor? Ow, my aching extinction event! (Maybe a bit too morbid…)
Why did the dinosaur go to the library? To bone up on his knowledge! (He clearly wasn’t a brachiosaur-us).
What do you call a dinosaur who writes bad love songs? A brachiosaur-ed heart! (Get it? Broken-hearted? No? Okay, moving on).
How do you know a dinosaur is telling a joke? He cracks himself up! (Because those tiny arms can’t reach much else).
What did the dinosaur say to the fashion designer? Make me something roar-some! (He’s definitely not a plain Jane-osaurus).
What do you call a dinosaur who never pays his bills? A pterodactyl-tor! (He flies away from his responsibilities).
Why did the dinosaur join the army? To become a veloci-raptor! (He’s always one step ahead).
What do you call a dinosaur who loves to party? A dino-mite time! (He’s the life of the Cretaceous period).
What did the dinosaur say when he lost his lunch? I’m feeling a bit pteranodacrylical! (Okay, I’ll stop now).
Hope these puns are at least slightly better than a T-Rex trying to clap!
More Cute Sarcastic Dino Fun!
Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent. Oh, and because they’ve been extinct for millions of years. But sure, let’s worry about the “P.”
What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus. Because clearly, what’s missing in today’s society is a dinosaur that can articulate its existential dread.
Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because chickens hadn’t evolved yet, and someone had to start the joke. Groundbreaking.
What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up? Try-ceratops. Because nothing screams perseverance like a creature that literally didn’t survive.
How do you organize a dinosaur party? You don’t. They’re all dead. But keep planning, it’s important to have goals.
Why don’t dinosaurs drive cars? Because their arms are too short to reach the steering wheel. Also, the whole extinction thing makes it tough.
What’s a dinosaur’s least favorite reindeer? Comet. Get it? Because comets and asteroids? Too soon?
What do you call a dinosaur with a foul mood? A Tyrannosaurus Wrecks. Because nothing says ‘bad day’ like being a fossil.
What do you call it when a dinosaur gets in a car accident? A Tyrannosaurus wreck. As if they didn’t have enough problems.
Why do museums exhibit dinosaurs? Because it’s not like they have anything better to do. Just lying around all day, typical.
What do you call a dinosaur after a breakup? A Bronto-sore-us. Because ancient reptilian heartache is hilarious.
What was the dinosaurs’ favorite Shakespeare play? Much Ado About Nothing. Because, in the end, that’s what their existence amounted to.
How do you know if there’s a dinosaur in your fridge? The door won’t close. Also, your fridge is a time machine, apparently.
Why did the archaeologist go broke? Because his career was in ruins. Get it? Because digging up dinosaurs is just playing in the dirt.
What do you call a dinosaur with a great lawyer? A Sue-vivor. Too bad lawyering up couldn’t prevent extinction.
Why did the dinosaur eat the raw meat? Because it couldn’t figure out the barbecue. Fire was a bit advanced for its tiny brain.
What do you get if you cross a pig and a dinosaur? Jurassic Pork. Finally, a reason to bring dinosaurs back.
Why do dinosaurs make terrible spies? Because they’re big, they’re dead, and they’re terrible at keeping secrets. Also, they can’t blend in at parties.
What did the dinosaur say to the cashier? Nothing. Dinosaurs don’t speak, and they definitely don’t shop.
Why are dinosaur jokes so old? Because fresh jokes require fresh material, and we’re dealing with fossils here.